Aftercare Instructions

Plastic Wrap

First Day
1-2 hours after your tattoo session start preparing to remove your bandage. Start by washing your hands, getting a fresh paper towel roll and a clean surface near a bathroom sink or your shower to place supplies. With clean hands slowly remove the plastic wrap and throw it away, do not leave it on any surfaces. Lather antibacterial soap and warm water in your hands and begin cleaning off your tattoo. After 30 seconds of cleaning, rinse off the area with warm water until it doesn’t feel slimey or slippery on the surface anymore. When drying off the area be sure to use a fresh roll of paper towels and not a hand/body towel. During your healing process place the paper towel roll in a clean area that will be untouched by others. 

Day 2 - 7
For the next few days while your tattoo is still very fresh you are just going to keep your tattoo clean and dry. Wash it up to twice a day or as needed with the same antibacterial soap as before. You will notice your tattoo has likely become dry, itchy and little flakes have formed. Do not peal these off or scratch your skin, as it will lead to ink fall out, these flakes will come off on their own when you wash. You can now start moisturizing 1-2 times daily with a thin layer of unscented lotion. Avoid itching your tattooed area, when an itching sensation comes up please tap/lightly slap the area.

Day 8 - 14
Your fresh tattooed area is now starting to look shiny and the last flakes are start to disappear and go away. Your skin is still very fragile so please still do take care of scratching or being scratched by your kids or animals. Continue using lotion 1 - 2 times a day forever, this will keep your skin very healthy and it will keep your tattoo vibrant. Always avoid sun exposure without a proper SPF 65+ or higher. After the 2nd week (14 day mark) you can start swimming and taking baths again.

Second Skin

First 24 hours
Leave the second skin on for a minimum of 24 hours. During this time you will notice blood and plasma forming inside of the bandage. This bandage is water resistant, which makes it easy to shower with, but do not scrub the bandage. Do not fully submerge or soak during any activities or while bathing. Please be sure to avoid the gym as it will cause excess sweat to build up will need to come off immediately. If at anytime your bandage starts to leak, please remove and follow instructions below.

2 - 5 Days after Application
For maximum benefits of the Second Skin try to leave it on for 3 to 5 days. This will allow your tattoo to heal naturally and shield it from foreign matter. You will most likely notice some of the edges peeling up which is perfectly normal. 

Removal of Bandage and Cleaning
When you remove the bandage take it off in a warm shower. Wash your body and hair first, avoiding the immediate area of the tattoo bandage and rinse. Bring your bottle of antibacterial soap into the shower, be sure not to use a bar of soap. Wash your hands and rinse away any excess soaps/shampoos. As you remove your bandage please take care to start from the top of the bandaged area and get a portion of the film up. Slowly start peeling this off letting warm water run over top to ease the adhesive off of your skin. Immediately after removing your bandage wash your new tattoo well with warm water and the antibacterial soap. After you step out of the shower please be sure NOT to dry your tattoo off with your normal body towel, only use a few clean paper towels in a gentle tapping/pressing motion on the fresh tattooed area. If you take your bandage off after 24 hours, please be sure to continue washing with the antibacterial soap and applying aftercare ointment for the next 2 days. If you make it to 3-5 days with the bandage on you can use a very thin layer of unscented lotion a few times each day. Continue this daily to ensure your skin will be healthy and your ink stays vibrant for years to come.

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